Simon Kinder “The Cambridge Spies and their local connections”-March 2020

Simon Kinder “The Cambridge Spies and their local connections”-March 2020

Simon Kinder spoke on “The Cambridge Spies and their local connections” on Wednesday 4th March 2020. Simon explored the fascinating history of Norfolk, spies and traitors. His illustrated talk began in the Elizabethan era, visit the Napoleonic Wars before exploring Norfolk’s spies, imagined, alleged and real, during the First and Second World Wars. Finally he…

David Stannard “Spoyl’d by the Rage of the Sea”- February 2020

David Stannard “Spoyl’d by the Rage of the Sea”- February 2020

The Group resumed its talks programme following the New Year break with a presentation by David Stannard entitled “Spoyl’d by the Rage of the Sea” in which David examined the local history of North Sea surges. Many members recalled the storms of 2013 and 1953, but events dating back into the Medieval period and their…